
South Dakota Retired School Personnel is an affiliate of National Retired Teachers Association, the education community of AARP. We currently have about 1300 members with 17 local units within South Dakota. We were organized in 1966. 


  • Advocacy--We seek to protect your retirement funds and keep our finger on the pulse of legislative concerns
  • We provide scholarships to existing professionals
  • Social time with peers
  • Educational opportunities
  • Newsletters to keep you informed
  • An annual convention which allows state-wide interaction
About SDRSP 
About South Dakota Retired School Personnel
Annual Convention
Community in South Dakota
Dean Martin
Dorothy Pieper
Education Legislation
Educational opportunities
Geraldine DeMers
Jan Ringstmeister
Legislative concerns
Lucille Cudmore
Marilyn Kratz
National Retired Teachers Association
Ramona Saubers
Retirement funds
SDRSP Advocacy
SDRSP Members
SDRSP Scholarships
SDRSP Social time
South Dakota Retired School Personnel
Stay connected with SDRSP.
SDRSP Updates Image

Our Mission


South Dakota Retired School Personnel's mission is to protect your retirement funds, provide scholarships to existing professionals and to provide social interaction among members. We seek to protect your retirement funds and keep our finger on the pulse of legislative concerns. Stay connected with SDRSP to get updates on legistlation that affects your retirement.

History through Stories

We all have a story to tell.  You simply can't have taught and not!  For the past several years, we have encouraged our members to share these stories.  Below you will find a microcosm of every classroom, of every community, in fact, of the world!  Due to continuing diminishing submissions and the realization that we can share these stories in a myriad of other ways, the board has voted to discontinue this program. The essays you see below are the last of an amazing run.  But, as Dean Martin said, "Sweet sweet, the memories you gave to me.  Can't beat the memories you gave to me..."

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